Uses of Class

Packages that use SnmpOid
net.sf.snmpadaptor4j.api Package contains all classes and interfaces manipulated by classes as facade with SNMP APIs. 
net.sf.snmpadaptor4j.core Package containing entry point classes for access to MBean attributes and for SNMP traps sending. 
net.sf.snmpadaptor4j.core.accessor Package containing all classes used to access attributes of MBeans or other. 
net.sf.snmpadaptor4j.core.mapping Package containing all classes for the mapping loading for each MBean. 
net.sf.snmpadaptor4j.core.trap Package containing all classes used to build SNMP traps from JMX notifications and to send them to all SNMP managers. 
net.sf.snmpadaptor4j.object Package containing all simple objects having no treatment. 

Uses of SnmpOid in net.sf.snmpadaptor4j.api

Methods in net.sf.snmpadaptor4j.api that return SnmpOid
 SnmpOid AttributeAccessor.getOid()
          Returns the Object IDentifier (OID) to locate the attribute in the MIB.

Methods in net.sf.snmpadaptor4j.api that return types with arguments of type SnmpOid
 SortedMap<SnmpOid,AttributeAccessor> SnmpMib.nextSet(SnmpOid oid)
          Finds the list of next AttributeAccessor from an OID

Methods in net.sf.snmpadaptor4j.api with parameters of type SnmpOid
 AttributeAccessor SnmpMib.find(SnmpOid oid)
          Finds a AttributeAccessor by its OID.
 AttributeAccessor oid)
          Finds the next AttributeAccessor from an OID
 SortedMap<SnmpOid,AttributeAccessor> SnmpMib.nextSet(SnmpOid oid)
          Finds the list of next AttributeAccessor from an OID

Uses of SnmpOid in net.sf.snmpadaptor4j.core

Methods in net.sf.snmpadaptor4j.core that return SnmpOid
 SnmpOid SystemSnmpMib.ExternalNode.getOid()
 SnmpOid SystemSnmpMib.SysObjectIDExternalNode.getOid()

Methods in net.sf.snmpadaptor4j.core that return types with arguments of type SnmpOid
protected  SortedMap<SnmpOid,AttributeAccessor> SystemSnmpMib.getMib()
          Returns the Management Information Base (MIB).
protected  SortedMap<SnmpOid,AttributeAccessor> JmxSnmpMib.getMib()
          Returns the Management Information Base (MIB).
 SortedMap<SnmpOid,AttributeAccessor> SystemSnmpMib.nextSet(SnmpOid oid)
 SortedMap<SnmpOid,AttributeAccessor> JvmSnmpMib.nextSet(SnmpOid oid)
 SortedMap<SnmpOid,AttributeAccessor> JmxSnmpMib.nextSet(SnmpOid oid)

Methods in net.sf.snmpadaptor4j.core with parameters of type SnmpOid
 AttributeAccessor SystemSnmpMib.find(SnmpOid oid)
 AttributeAccessor JvmSnmpMib.find(SnmpOid oid)
 AttributeAccessor JmxSnmpMib.find(SnmpOid oid)
 AttributeAccessor oid)
 AttributeAccessor oid)
 AttributeAccessor oid)
 SortedMap<SnmpOid,AttributeAccessor> SystemSnmpMib.nextSet(SnmpOid oid)
 SortedMap<SnmpOid,AttributeAccessor> JvmSnmpMib.nextSet(SnmpOid oid)
 SortedMap<SnmpOid,AttributeAccessor> JmxSnmpMib.nextSet(SnmpOid oid)
protected  void SystemSnmpMib.putExternalNode(int index, SnmpOid oid)
          Puts an external node of an attribute in the MIB.
protected  void SystemSnmpMib.putExternalNode(SnmpOid oid, SnmpOid value)
          Puts an external node of an attribute in the MIB.

Constructors in net.sf.snmpadaptor4j.core with parameters of type SnmpOid
SystemSnmpMib.ExternalNode(int index, SnmpOid oid)
SystemSnmpMib.SysObjectIDExternalNode(SnmpOid oid, SnmpOid value)

Uses of SnmpOid in net.sf.snmpadaptor4j.core.accessor

Methods in net.sf.snmpadaptor4j.core.accessor that return SnmpOid
 SnmpOid MBeanAttributeAccessor.getOid()
 SnmpOid JvmAttributeAccessor.getOid()
 SnmpOid CompositeDataAttributeAccessor.getOid()

Constructors in net.sf.snmpadaptor4j.core.accessor with parameters of type SnmpOid
CompositeDataAttributeAccessor(SnmpOid oid, MBeanServer server, ObjectName mBeanName, String attributeName, String attributeKey, SnmpDataType snmpDataType, Class<?> jmxDataType)
JvmAttributeAccessor(MBeanServer server, ObjectName mBeanName, SnmpOid oid, String attributeName, SnmpDataType snmpDataType, Class<?> jmxDataType, boolean writable)

Uses of SnmpOid in net.sf.snmpadaptor4j.core.mapping

Methods in net.sf.snmpadaptor4j.core.mapping that return SnmpOid
 SnmpOid DataMapTrapMapping.getMessageOid()
          Returns the OID of message field of JMX notification.
 SnmpOid UserDataEntryDataMapTrapMapping.getOid()
          Returns the OID of entry in the map of userData field of JMX notification.
 SnmpOid MBeanAttributeMapping.getOid()
          Returns the Object Identifier of MIB node.
 SnmpOid DataMapTrapMapping.getSequenceNumberOid()
          Returns the OID of sequenceNumber field of JMX notification.
 SnmpOid SnmpTrapMapping.getSource()
          Returns the source field of SnmpTrap.
 SnmpOid SimpleDataMapTrapMapping.getUserDataOid()
          Returns the OID of userData field of JMX notification.

Constructors in net.sf.snmpadaptor4j.core.mapping with parameters of type SnmpOid
DataMapTrapMapping(SnmpOid sequenceNumberOid, SnmpOid messageOid, boolean hasSystemInfo)
          Hidden constructor (abstract class).
SnmpTrapMapping(SnmpOid source, DataMapTrapMapping dataMap)
          Hidden constructor (abstract class).

Uses of SnmpOid in net.sf.snmpadaptor4j.core.trap

Methods in net.sf.snmpadaptor4j.core.trap that return types with arguments of type SnmpOid
protected  Map<SnmpOid,SnmpTrapData> SnmpTrapBuilder.newDataMap(DataMapTrapMapping mapping, Notification notification)
          Creates and returns a new dataMap of SnmpTrap by a JMX notification.

Uses of SnmpOid in net.sf.snmpadaptor4j.object

Fields in net.sf.snmpadaptor4j.object declared as SnmpOid
static SnmpOid SnmpOid.SYSCONTACT_OID
          OID: system.sysContact.0
static SnmpOid SnmpOid.SYSDESCR_OID
          OID: system.sysDescr.0
static SnmpOid SnmpOid.SYSLOCATION_OID
          OID: system.sysLocation.0
static SnmpOid SnmpOid.SYSNAME_OID
          OID: system.sysName.0
static SnmpOid SnmpOid.SYSUPTIME_OID
          OID: system.sysUpTime.0

Methods in net.sf.snmpadaptor4j.object that return SnmpOid
 SnmpOid SnmpTrap.getSource()
          Returns the OID indexing the source of the trap.
static SnmpOid SnmpOid.newInstance(int[] oid)
          Creates and returns a new instance of SnmpOid by its numeric sequence.
static SnmpOid SnmpOid.newInstance(int[] oid, int index)
          Creates and returns a new instance of SnmpOid by its numeric sequence.
static SnmpOid SnmpOid.newInstance(SnmpOid oid, int nodeNum, int index)
          Creates and returns a new instance of SnmpOid by an another SnmpOid.
static SnmpOid SnmpOid.newInstance(String oid)
          Creates and returns a new instance of SnmpOid by its string value.
static SnmpOid SnmpOid.newInstance(String oid, int nodeNum, int index)
          Creates and returns a new instance of SnmpOid by its string value.

Methods in net.sf.snmpadaptor4j.object that return types with arguments of type SnmpOid
 Map<SnmpOid,SnmpTrapData> SnmpTrap.getDataMap()
          Returns the map of "interesting" information.

Methods in net.sf.snmpadaptor4j.object with parameters of type SnmpOid
 int SnmpOid.compareTo(SnmpOid obj)
 boolean SnmpOid.equalsWithoutIndex(SnmpOid other)
          Returns TRUE if the OID without its index is equals to another OID.
 boolean SnmpOid.isRootOf(SnmpOid other)
          Returns TRUE if the OID is the root of another OID passed as parameter.
static GenericSnmpTrap SnmpTrap.newInstance(long timeStamp, SnmpOid source, GenericSnmpTrapType type, Map<SnmpOid,SnmpTrapData> dataMap)
          Creates and returns an object representing a generic SNMP trap.
static SpecificSnmpTrap SnmpTrap.newInstance(long timeStamp, SnmpOid source, int type, Map<SnmpOid,SnmpTrapData> dataMap)
          Creates and returns an object representing a specific SNMP trap.
static SnmpOid SnmpOid.newInstance(SnmpOid oid, int nodeNum, int index)
          Creates and returns a new instance of SnmpOid by an another SnmpOid.

Method parameters in net.sf.snmpadaptor4j.object with type arguments of type SnmpOid
static GenericSnmpTrap SnmpTrap.newInstance(long timeStamp, SnmpOid source, GenericSnmpTrapType type, Map<SnmpOid,SnmpTrapData> dataMap)
          Creates and returns an object representing a generic SNMP trap.
static SpecificSnmpTrap SnmpTrap.newInstance(long timeStamp, SnmpOid source, int type, Map<SnmpOid,SnmpTrapData> dataMap)
          Creates and returns an object representing a specific SNMP trap.

Constructors in net.sf.snmpadaptor4j.object with parameters of type SnmpOid
GenericSnmpTrap(long timeStamp, SnmpOid source, GenericSnmpTrapType type, Map<SnmpOid,SnmpTrapData> dataMap)
          Hidden constructor.
SnmpTrap(long timeStamp, SnmpOid source, Map<SnmpOid,SnmpTrapData> dataMap)
          Hidden constructor (abstract class).
SpecificSnmpTrap(long timeStamp, SnmpOid source, int type, Map<SnmpOid,SnmpTrapData> dataMap)
          Hidden constructor.

Constructor parameters in net.sf.snmpadaptor4j.object with type arguments of type SnmpOid
GenericSnmpTrap(long timeStamp, SnmpOid source, GenericSnmpTrapType type, Map<SnmpOid,SnmpTrapData> dataMap)
          Hidden constructor.
SnmpTrap(long timeStamp, SnmpOid source, Map<SnmpOid,SnmpTrapData> dataMap)
          Hidden constructor (abstract class).
SpecificSnmpTrap(long timeStamp, SnmpOid source, int type, Map<SnmpOid,SnmpTrapData> dataMap)
          Hidden constructor.

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