Package net.sf.snmpadaptor4j.core.mapping

Package containing all classes for the mapping loading for each MBean.


Class Summary
DataMapTrapMapping Object containing the mapping to build the dataMap field of SnmpTrap from a JMX notification.
DefaultDataMapTrapMapping Object containing the default mapping to build the dataMap field of SnmpTrap from a JMX notification.
GenericSnmpTrapMapping Object containing the mapping to build generic SNMP traps from JMX notifications.
MapDataMapTrapMapping Object containing the mapping to build the dataMap field of SnmpTrap from a userData field of JMX notification and as map object.
MBeanAttributeMapping Object containing the mapping for access to a MBean attribute.
SimpleDataMapTrapMapping Object containing the mapping to build the dataMap field of SnmpTrap from a userData field of JMX notification and as simple object.
SnmpTrapMapping Object containing the mapping to build SNMP traps from JMX notifications.
SpecificSnmpTrapMapping Object containing the mapping to build specific SNMP traps from JMX notifications.
UserDataEntryDataMapTrapMapping Mapping to build an entry of the map in dataMap field of SnmpTrap from an entry of map in userData field of JMX notification.
XmlMappingParser Parser of SNMP mapping file (XML).

Package net.sf.snmpadaptor4j.core.mapping Description

Package containing all classes for the mapping loading for each MBean.

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