Class SnmpAdaptor

  extended by
      extended by net.sf.snmpadaptor4j.SnmpAdaptor
All Implemented Interfaces:
DynamicMBean, MBeanRegistration, SnmpDaemonConfiguration, SnmpAdaptorMBean, SnmpAppContext, SnmpConfiguration

public class SnmpAdaptor
extends StandardMBean
implements SnmpConfiguration, SnmpAppContext, SnmpAdaptorMBean

snmpAdaptor4j is an adaptor for Java Management eXtensions (JMX) providing a simple access to MBeans via the SNMP protocol. Thus, this adapter you allow to connect most monitoring tools (like Nagios and Cacti) to your Java applications.

For each MBean, an XML mapping file allows to establish the relationships between attributes and the MIB of the SNMP adapter. No additional code is necessary to integrate the MBeans in the SNMP protocol.

This adapter can work in a multi-applications environment (such as application servers).

Building of the mapping files

For each MBean of your project, create the mapping file in the same package as the MBean. For example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <attribute name="attributA" type="integer32" node="1" writable="true"/>
    <attribute name="attributB" type="counter64" node="2" writable="false"/>
    <attribute name="attributC" type="gauge32" node="3" writable="false"/>


Here, we map only MBean attributes by indicating the SNMP data type and the node constituting the OID (Object IDentifier). The mapping of MBean instances, is generally put in the configuration file (see next chapter).

Building of the configuration file

Create the configuration file (one by application) like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

  <daemon address="" port="161" version="2">

  <roots default=""/>

    <mbean name="fr.mydomain.myAppli:type=MyClass,name=objA" oid="1.1"/>
    <mbean name="fr.mydomain.myAppli:type=MyClass,name=objB" oid="1.2"/>


Here, we define the OID for each instance of MBeans. The OID of an attribute, is built as follows:

${root}.${mbean oid}.${attribute node}.0

For example, the attributB OID of first MBean will be

Registration and start of adaptor

Insert the following code to install the adapter inside JMX:

URL url = getClass().getResource("/snmp.xml");
SnmpAdaptor adaptor = new SnmpAdaptor(url, true);
ObjectName name = new ObjectName("net.sf.snmpadaptor4j:adaptor=SnmpAdaptor");
ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer().registerMBean(adaptor, name);

snmp.xml is the configuration file previously built.

Update the information about your system:

adaptor.getSystemInfo().setSysDescr("This is a java application");
adaptor.getSystemInfo().setSysLocation("Web server at Montpellier (France)");

Start the adaptor:



Install the Net-SNMP commands and type:

snmpwalk -v2c -Os -c public .1

You should see the attribute values of your MBean.

Jean-Philippe MINETTI

Field Summary
protected  Map<ClassLoader,SnmpAppContext> appContextMap
          Application context map.
Constructor Summary
  SnmpAdaptor(boolean classLoaderScope)
          Constructor with a minimum of parameters.
  SnmpAdaptor(SnmpAppContext appContext, boolean classLoaderScope)
          Constructor with an application context.
  SnmpAdaptor(SnmpConfiguration configuration, SnmpAppContext appContext, SystemInfo systemInfo, boolean classLoaderScope)
          Constructor with all parameters.
protected SnmpAdaptor(String defaultRootOid, SnmpConfiguration configuration, boolean classLoaderScope, SystemSnmpMib systemMib, JvmSnmpMib jvmMib, JmxListener jmxListener, JmxNotificationManager jmxNotificationManager, SnmpDaemon daemon)
          Hidden constructor (used for tests only).
  SnmpAdaptor(URL url, boolean classLoaderScope)
          Constructor with an URL to SNMP configuration file (XML).
  SnmpAdaptor(URL url, SystemInfo systemInfo, boolean classLoaderScope)
          Constructor with an URL to SNMP configuration file (XML) and a SystemInfo.
Method Summary
 void addAppContext(ClassLoader classLoader, SnmpAppContext appContext)
          Adds a new application context.
protected static String formatAttribute(String value)
          Formats an attribute value.
 String getDefaultRootOid()
          Returns the default root OID containing the attributes of the application.
 String getListenerAddress()
          Returns the listening IP address of SNMP daemon ( by default).
 Integer getListenerPort()
          Returns the UDP port of SNMP daemon (161 by default).
 String getListenerReadCommunity()
          Returns the read community of SNMP daemon ("public" by default).
 Integer getListenerSnmpVersion()
          Returns the protocol version of SNMP daemon (SNMP v2 by default).
 String getListenerWriteCommunity()
          Returns the write community of SNMP daemon ("private" by default).
 List<SnmpManagerConfiguration> getManagerList()
          Returns the parameter list to connect to each manager where to send all notifications (SNMP traps).
 Map<ObjectName,String> getMBeanOidMap()
          Returns the map of MBean OIDs.
 Map<String,String> getRootOidMap()
          Returns the map of root OIDs where the attributes of the application will stay.
 SystemInfo getSystemInfo()
          Returns the informations on the system.
 boolean isStarted()
          Returns TRUE if the SNMP daemon is started.
 void preDeregister()
 ObjectName preRegister(MBeanServer server, ObjectName name)
 void removeAppContext(ClassLoader classLoader)
          Removes an application context.
 void setListenerAddress(String listenerAddress)
          Sets the listening IP address of SNMP daemon.
 void setListenerPort(Integer listenerPort)
          Sets the UDP port of SNMP daemon.
 void setListenerReadCommunity(String listenerReadCommunity)
          Sets the read community of SNMP daemon.
 void setListenerSnmpVersion(Integer listenerSnmpVersion)
          Sets the protocol version of SNMP daemon.
 void setListenerWriteCommunity(String listenerWriteCommunity)
          Sets the write community of SNMP daemon.
 void start()
          Starts the SNMP daemon.
 void stop()
          Stops the SNMP daemon.
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class
cacheMBeanInfo, getAttribute, getAttributes, getCachedMBeanInfo, getClassName, getConstructors, getDescription, getDescription, getDescription, getDescription, getDescription, getDescription, getDescription, getImpact, getImplementation, getImplementationClass, getMBeanInfo, getMBeanInterface, getParameterName, getParameterName, invoke, postDeregister, postRegister, setAttribute, setAttributes, setImplementation
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final Map<ClassLoader,SnmpAppContext> appContextMap
Application context map.

Constructor Detail


public SnmpAdaptor(boolean classLoaderScope)
            throws Exception
Constructor with a minimum of parameters.

Set TRUE to classLoaderScope for web applications: this avoids to publish MBeans of other applications of application server.

classLoaderScope - TRUE for handle only MBeans created by the same ClassLoader that the SNMP adapter. FALSE for handle all MBeans of the JVM.
Exception - Exception if an error has occurred.


public SnmpAdaptor(SnmpAppContext appContext,
                   boolean classLoaderScope)
            throws Exception
Constructor with an application context.

Set TRUE to classLoaderScope for web applications: this avoids to publish MBeans of other applications of application server.

appContext - Application context.
classLoaderScope - TRUE for handle only MBeans created by the same ClassLoader that the SNMP adapter. FALSE for handle all MBeans of the JVM.
Exception - Exception if an error has occurred.


public SnmpAdaptor(URL url,
                   boolean classLoaderScope)
            throws Exception
Constructor with an URL to SNMP configuration file (XML).

Set TRUE to classLoaderScope for web applications: this avoids to publish MBeans of other applications of application server.

url - URL of SNMP configuration file (XML).
classLoaderScope - TRUE for handle only MBeans created by the same ClassLoader that the SNMP adapter. FALSE for handle all MBeans of the JVM.
Exception - Exception if an error occurred.


public SnmpAdaptor(URL url,
                   SystemInfo systemInfo,
                   boolean classLoaderScope)
            throws Exception
Constructor with an URL to SNMP configuration file (XML) and a SystemInfo.

Set TRUE to classLoaderScope for web applications: this avoids to publish MBeans of other applications of application server.

url - URL of SNMP configuration file (XML).
systemInfo - Informations on the system.
classLoaderScope - TRUE for handle only MBeans created by the same ClassLoader that the SNMP adapter. FALSE for handle all MBeans of the JVM.
Exception - Exception if an error occurred.


public SnmpAdaptor(SnmpConfiguration configuration,
                   SnmpAppContext appContext,
                   SystemInfo systemInfo,
                   boolean classLoaderScope)
            throws Exception
Constructor with all parameters.

Set TRUE to classLoaderScope for web applications: this avoids to publish MBeans of other applications of application server.

configuration - SNMP configuration settings.
appContext - Application context.
systemInfo - Informations on the system.
classLoaderScope - TRUE for handle only MBeans created by the same ClassLoader that the SNMP adapter. FALSE for handle all MBeans of the JVM.
Exception - Exception if an error has occurred.


protected SnmpAdaptor(String defaultRootOid,
                      SnmpConfiguration configuration,
                      boolean classLoaderScope,
                      SystemSnmpMib systemMib,
                      JvmSnmpMib jvmMib,
                      JmxListener jmxListener,
                      JmxNotificationManager jmxNotificationManager,
                      SnmpDaemon daemon)
               throws Exception
Hidden constructor (used for tests only).

Set TRUE to classLoaderScope for web applications: this avoids to publish MBeans of other applications of application server.

defaultRootOid - Default root OID containing the attributes of the application.
configuration - SNMP configuration settings.
classLoaderScope - TRUE for handle only MBeans created by the same ClassLoader that the SNMP adapter. FALSE for handle all MBeans of the JVM.
systemMib - Management Information Base (MIB) for system attributes.
jvmMib - Management Information Base (MIB) for attributes of JVM.
jmxListener - Object designed to respond to each registration or deregistration of MBeans.
jmxNotificationManager - Manager of JMX notifications.
daemon - SNMP daemon.
Exception - Exception if an error has occurred.
Method Detail


public void addAppContext(ClassLoader classLoader,
                          SnmpAppContext appContext)
Description copied from interface: SnmpAdaptorMBean
Adds a new application context.

SnmpAdaptor4j may be used by an application server. In this case you will inform the SNMP adapter to each deployment of a new application.

Specified by:
addAppContext in interface SnmpAdaptorMBean
classLoader - Class loader of application.
appContext - Application context.


public void removeAppContext(ClassLoader classLoader)
Description copied from interface: SnmpAdaptorMBean
Removes an application context.

Specified by:
removeAppContext in interface SnmpAdaptorMBean
classLoader - Class loader of application.


public final String getListenerAddress()
Description copied from interface: SnmpDaemonConfiguration
Returns the listening IP address of SNMP daemon ( by default).

Specified by:
getListenerAddress in interface SnmpDaemonConfiguration
Specified by:
getListenerAddress in interface SnmpAdaptorMBean
Listening IP address.


public final void setListenerAddress(String listenerAddress)
Description copied from interface: SnmpAdaptorMBean
Sets the listening IP address of SNMP daemon.

Specified by:
setListenerAddress in interface SnmpAdaptorMBean
listenerAddress - Listening IP address.


public final Integer getListenerPort()
Description copied from interface: SnmpDaemonConfiguration
Returns the UDP port of SNMP daemon (161 by default).

Specified by:
getListenerPort in interface SnmpDaemonConfiguration
Specified by:
getListenerPort in interface SnmpAdaptorMBean
UDP port.


public final void setListenerPort(Integer listenerPort)
Description copied from interface: SnmpAdaptorMBean
Sets the UDP port of SNMP daemon.

Specified by:
setListenerPort in interface SnmpAdaptorMBean
listenerPort - UDP port.


public final Integer getListenerSnmpVersion()
Description copied from interface: SnmpDaemonConfiguration
Returns the protocol version of SNMP daemon (SNMP v2 by default).

Specified by:
getListenerSnmpVersion in interface SnmpDaemonConfiguration
Specified by:
getListenerSnmpVersion in interface SnmpAdaptorMBean
SNMP protocol version.


public final void setListenerSnmpVersion(Integer listenerSnmpVersion)
Description copied from interface: SnmpAdaptorMBean
Sets the protocol version of SNMP daemon.

Specified by:
setListenerSnmpVersion in interface SnmpAdaptorMBean
listenerSnmpVersion - SNMP protocol version.


public final String getListenerReadCommunity()
Description copied from interface: SnmpDaemonConfiguration
Returns the read community of SNMP daemon ("public" by default).

Specified by:
getListenerReadCommunity in interface SnmpDaemonConfiguration
Specified by:
getListenerReadCommunity in interface SnmpAdaptorMBean
Read community of SNMP daemon.


public final void setListenerReadCommunity(String listenerReadCommunity)
Description copied from interface: SnmpAdaptorMBean
Sets the read community of SNMP daemon.

Specified by:
setListenerReadCommunity in interface SnmpAdaptorMBean
listenerReadCommunity - Read community of SNMP daemon.


public final String getListenerWriteCommunity()
Description copied from interface: SnmpDaemonConfiguration
Returns the write community of SNMP daemon ("private" by default).

Specified by:
getListenerWriteCommunity in interface SnmpDaemonConfiguration
Specified by:
getListenerWriteCommunity in interface SnmpAdaptorMBean
Write community of SNMP daemon.


public final void setListenerWriteCommunity(String listenerWriteCommunity)
Description copied from interface: SnmpAdaptorMBean
Sets the write community of SNMP daemon.

Specified by:
setListenerWriteCommunity in interface SnmpAdaptorMBean
listenerWriteCommunity - Write community of SNMP daemon.


public final List<SnmpManagerConfiguration> getManagerList()
Description copied from interface: SnmpConfiguration
Returns the parameter list to connect to each manager where to send all notifications (SNMP traps).

Specified by:
getManagerList in interface SnmpAdaptorMBean
Specified by:
getManagerList in interface SnmpConfiguration
Parameter list to connect to each manager.


public final String getDefaultRootOid()
Description copied from interface: SnmpAppContext
Returns the default root OID containing the attributes of the application.

Specified by:
getDefaultRootOid in interface SnmpAppContext
Default root OID.


public final Map<String,String> getRootOidMap()
Description copied from interface: SnmpAppContext
Returns the map of root OIDs where the attributes of the application will stay.

Specified by:
getRootOidMap in interface SnmpAppContext
Map of root OIDs (never NULL but can be empty).


public final Map<ObjectName,String> getMBeanOidMap()
Description copied from interface: SnmpAppContext
Returns the map of MBean OIDs.

Specified by:
getMBeanOidMap in interface SnmpAppContext
Map of MBean OIDs (never NULL but can be empty).


public void start()
           throws Exception
Description copied from interface: SnmpAdaptorMBean
Starts the SNMP daemon.

Specified by:
start in interface SnmpAdaptorMBean
Exception - Exception if an error has occurred.


public void stop()
          throws Exception
Description copied from interface: SnmpAdaptorMBean
Stops the SNMP daemon.

Specified by:
stop in interface SnmpAdaptorMBean
Exception - Exception if an error has occurred.


public final boolean isStarted()
Description copied from interface: SnmpAdaptorMBean
Returns TRUE if the SNMP daemon is started.

Specified by:
isStarted in interface SnmpAdaptorMBean
TRUE if the SNMP daemon is started.


public final SystemInfo getSystemInfo()
Returns the informations on the system.

The returned object is a MBean. It is possible to register it in JMX.

Informations on the system.


protected static final String formatAttribute(String value)
Formats an attribute value.

value - Value to format.
Value formatted.


public ObjectName preRegister(MBeanServer server,
                              ObjectName name)
                       throws Exception
Specified by:
preRegister in interface MBeanRegistration
preRegister in class StandardMBean


public void preDeregister()
                   throws Exception
Specified by:
preDeregister in interface MBeanRegistration
preDeregister in class StandardMBean


public String toString()
toString in class Object

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